Friday, August 31, 2007

What does Murray say that can help you as a writer?

In the article, "Anatomy of a high school dropout" it stated that Murray had missed a lot of his physics classes so he had to write several biographies for his class. He ended up writing zilllions of them and actualy enjoyed it. His teachers' punishments were his joys.

It can help me as a writer, for the simple fact that last semester I missed a lot of days in this one particular class that I had, and I had the opportunity to write what ever I wanted to write about for extra credit to improve my grade. I think that when you are giving the opportunity to do something go a head and do it because you never know what you may end up enjoy doing. This semester in school in my sports journalism class the whole entire class is giving the chance to go out and watch any games that SCI plays in and write as if we were a sports writer and it could be published in the weekly Bulldog. I wasn't going to take advantage of this, but now I am reconsidering because I just may enjoy writing what I observed.

1 comment:

Pete said...

Hey, you don't know unless you try. You might hate it, you might like it.

But you won't know till you cover the game.

Murray was very big on what he calls "surprise." And I think it's not just about writing, and reporting, but also about living. He says to do stuff, try diffeent stuff and always look for stuff you didn't expect to see. Sometimes that's the most interesting stuff.

Except he says it better than that, and he doesn't keep using the word "stuff" all the time.

Your blog is starting to look pretty good now, by the way.